Those foods are good for you, and they are a healthy part of the transition and maintenance program. But they are NOT part of the weight loss phase of the program.
It is important to remember the Medifast /Take Shape for Life program is NOT a "calories in, calories out" weight loss program. The real benefits from the program, which include rapid weight loss, energy maintenance, and appetite control, are a result of staying in the fat burning state. Any cheating on the program can take you out of the fat burning state and reduce the benefits of the program to merely a "calories in/calories out" diet.
It is important to carefully evaluate your snacks and your lean and green meals to be certain they follow the progrm strictly in order to achieve the best results.
Review these helpful tips...
DO’S & DON’TS For Weight Loss
The 5 & 1 Plan allows for a flexible weight loss program where you can mix & match ANY Medifast Meal 5 times a day.
Eat extra carbohydrates - Just one slice of bread or a single piece of fruit can take you out of the fat burning state.
That means you risk:
Losing energy
Becoming more hungry
Having stronger cravings
Experiencing slower weight loss
Eat your first Medifast Meal within one hour of waking
Enjoy a Medifast Meal every 2-3 hours
Eat slowly! - It should take no less than 15 minutes to finish your Medifast Meal (Helpful Hint: Cut bars into small pieces to help you slow down while eating. Stay mindful of your meals’ flavor, quantity and texture
Drink lots of water (minimum of 64 ounces per day)
Use an optional snack if needed - (Up to 3 stalks of celery, Medifast Soy Crisps or Crackers, calorie-free diet drinks, 2 dill pickle spears, ½ cup sugar-free Jello®, 1 sugar-free, fruit flavored Popsicle®)èExercise moderately at least 3 times per week, for up to 30-45 minutes per session (Walking is a great way to stay in shape and keep stress levels low)